Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend Recap

My last blog entry was very long so I decided to have mercy on my faithful readers by trying to do some shorter posts more often. After all this is not the most intriguing thing on the Internet. But I thank you for reading and I enjoy sharing my experiences with you.

Saturday our Team Epiphany run for the advanced team was 7 miles. Melissa's intermediate team ran a 5 miler. In actuality, my run was 7.35 miles according to so I got a little extra in. I felt great on the run! I ran with a few different people throughout the run and had some good conversations and my body was feeling good throughout the run.

After the run, Melissa and I went to the pool and swam for an hour. We did our standard 300 to 400 yard warm up and then did drills for the rest of the hour. It was a great workout and I seem to be improving. I lost track of how many yards total we swam but I know it was well over the distance that my training plan calls for. So I guess I am ahead of the game on that.

I did not get a bike ride in on Saturday because I went to NOVA to visit with my family and help with some projects. It was nice to see everyone, especially since I did not see my nieces at Christmas. They entertained us with song and dance and various silly games. It was a nice trip although sort of a whirl wind tour.

On Sunday, we did another 1 hour swim. Again we did our standard warm up followed by lots of drills. I felt pretty good in the water again. I did more sprints to see how fast I could go without losing my form. Eventually I will have to see how long it takes me to sprint a whole 300 and then later a whole 400. My first Tri swim is a 300 and the second is a 400. Then in June I will have to swim a 1000 and that one will be an open water swim in current.

After our swim, we got lunch and did some shopping at Whole Foods. It was delicious and nutritious as always. I really packed it in. The fresh kale salad and cooked bok choy are always so good. I don't mind filling up on greens since they are so good for us. I also got some extra stuff to make some fresh juices this week.

After lunch, I did a 20 mile bike ride on my road bike. It was a lot warmer in Richmond - almost 50 degrees. But it was still cold on the bike. I was able to wear shorts but but the wind kept my arms and feet a little cold. Towards the end of the ride, my feet were starting to freeze a bit and when I was done, they were a little sore.

Once my ride was completed, I changed and went on a short run. I was shooting for 3 miles but ended up just shy of 3. It was supposed to be an easy run but I was pretty jacked up from my bike ride and ended up running at about an 8:30 pace. I felt pretty darn good and was happy with the run despite the tingling in my feet as the blood returned to them.

So there you have it. That is my weekend of training in a nutshell. I feel pretty good about it although I am tired and I imagine that 6AM will seem to come very fast. Tomorrow is a rest day as far as running and biking goes. I plan to do a P90X workout and maybe some strength training exercises. I still need to work on my knees so I have to try to work that in sometimes.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

allenq said...

We were babysitting (baby?) Mathew all day yesterday and so are just now getting around to your post.
This is still winter (one more month!) so you still have to contend with miserable weather when you work out outside. Still, Spring is not far off!
Sounds like you both got good workouts in and we enjoy reading about them!