Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Reboot Diet- Day 10

Some people look forward to all the fixins at Thanksgiving. They picture the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pie, etc in their minds and think about how wonderful it is going to be. Or perhaps one may think about a favorite dish at a favorite restaurant and how delicious it will taste. Be it Drunken Noodle from Pad Thai or maybe Chana Masala (pictured above) from Anokha.

As day 10 of our diet winds down, I have similar visions of food. But all I can think about is that morning banana and apple before swim practice which will be followed by another banana and an orange. For lunch, I can picture the big salad I am going to eat. And finally, for dinner I can picture the collards, spinach, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, and baked sweet potato that I plan on eating tomorrow night. That's right, tomorrow we eat again. We are still limited to fruits and vegetables-no grains, no pasta, not nuts, etc.

Yesterday evening was hard as I was pretty hungry. Not only hungry but feeling pretty weak. Before I went to bed, I posted a question to my online nutritionist. She told me that I was not likely getting enough calories. (well duh, right?). So today, I upped the amount of juice I have been drinking and I felt a lot better. Plus the store where I buy my coconut water had the good kind in stock so I had one of those as well. It turns out, I should probably have been taking in more juices each day. That is actually hard to do when at work all day. I did pretty well but perhaps could have done better.

So tomorrow we start eating again. And as this diet finishes I can't help but think about the next thing - the slow ramp-up of my training. Also I would like to schedule a doctor's appointment for a full physical since someone my age is supposed to do such a thing. I am interested in getting my cholesterol numbers and all the other health indicators one gets from a full physical. I am guessing I will be given a very clean bill of health. I plan to schedule the appointment after we finish the diet and after I have ramped up the exercise a little bit.

As I write this, my stomach is grumbling slightly. I plan to drink some hot water with lemon and ignore the grumbling. My nutritionist suggested drinking a few mugs of herbal tea but I can't stand the taste of it. She also suggested drinking coconut water. I may do that as well.

Hurray for tomorrow!


M Rosen said...

I am SO looking forward to the avocado, and some roasted vegetables, too!

allenq said...

Well, congrats to boyh of you!! You are through the hardest part of the Reboot and it should be downhill from here on.
We'll be following the posts.