Friday, January 7, 2011

Reboot Diet: 5 +1

Today was our first day of juicing only. No solid foods. I must say it was very interesting. I was a bit rushed this morning as I had lots of juice to prepare. The first thing I had was my hot water with lemon which is a nice gentle way to ease into the morning. After juicing, I ended up with two 16 ounce bottles plus a medium size glass of a green juice (spinach, kale, cucumber, celery, carrot, apple, pear, lemon, lime, and ginger). I drank the glass of juice while getting ready for work. I also juiced almost a full 16 ounces of a citrus only juice which was three oranges and some lemon. I took that to work also. On my way to work I drank my usual water.

I had the citrus juice first and that lasted me up until about 10 AM. I then switched to water. Then I tried on the green juice. It was still good although I think I prefer it at room temperature but I have to refrigerate the juice in an opaque container to preserve the nutrients as much as possible. Fresh is best but not really possible since I have to go to work. The green juice was quite invigorating. That is the most interesting thing to me. I felt like I had drank a couple of red bulls but without all the jitters. I had lots of energy. I had a very slight feeling of hunger now and again but when I sipped my juice, that went away.

My afternoon juice was another 16 ounces of the same green juice. In fact, it tied me over until I got home. Technically the diet calls for 3 big juices in the morning and afternoon, a coconut water, and then an evening juice and then some tea later. I don't drink tea and while I did buy some coconut juice, it was so expensive so I decided to save it for tomorrow. So I was over the prescribed amount of juice because I did do another smaller cucumber and pineapple juice later after some quick shopping. That was also really delicious. And also, like the green juice, very invigorating.

The juices really gave me a lot of energy. I am tired for sure but still feeling pretty sharp. My stomach is starting to complain. But I often go to bed with it complaining a little. I have my water here to tide me over until I fall asleep. I should nod off pretty fast.

We are getting up a little before 6 AM tomorrow to do a quick juice and then go swim. It will be interesting to see how that goes. It will be the first strenuous exercise we do during this phase of the diet.

I must say I am looking forward to the morning orange juice! Speaking of looking forward to things, during the first 5 days we ate lots of salad. Twice a day. And we were starting to get tired of it. Now we can wait to have a salad again! REBOOT! I think it is working. Although I have not had any signs of detoxification yet.

I did lose 5 pounds since Sunday which has the unintended effect of revealing some of the abdominal muscles I have worked so hard on building for 90 days. The weight will probably come back when we start eating again and weight loss was really not my goal. But I am pretty sure I am down to the weight I was when I got out of college. It reminds me of what my dad used to say sometimes about his weight. He is not over weight at all but he used to say that he would have to lose about 5 to 10 pounds to get down to his "fighting" weight. I am down to 135. It will be interesting to see if this affects my training when I start training again after this diet. I am looking forward to it. I may even add a few more races into the mix. More on that later.

Day 5+1 was not bad. Not bad at all. I am feeling hungry at the moment but in the words of Dr. Larsen, a Psychology professor I had, "this too shall pass."

Thanks for reading. Comments are encouraged.

1 comment:

allenq said...

Sounds like the first day of juicing went pretty well. You are now in the heart of the 15-day journey. It sounds like your body is welcoming the juice and you have experienced pretty substantial weight loss. I'm sure that is part of the reason your body is welcoming the replenishment.
It's reassuring to hear that your energy levels arn't all that depleted.