Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reboot Diet - Final Day

Today was the last day of our 15 day Reboot Diet. We started the day off with our hot water with lemon and morning fruit before going to the 8:30 church service. After church I finally gave in and did some much needed yard work before we headed out to Whole Foods for lunch. As I mentioned yesterday, eating at Whole Foods is great. It is so easy to get a big healthy meal that is also very tasty.

After we got back from the store, I was torn between taking a nap and exercising. Yesterday afternoon I felt the same way and ended up with a 1 hour bike ride. Today, napping won. I took a very long nap, for me anyway. After my hour and a half nap, I did not really to much else until it was time to make dinner. We had a very yummy salad, leftover potatoes, and some leftover soup. I tried to salvage the soup by adding sauteed mushrooms but that did not really help. We made at least a few soups during the reboot diet that did not really turn out all that great. Tonight's was not bad but then again it was not great.

The main purpose of the reboot diet is to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in one's diet. During the reboot process, some detoxification usually occurs for most people as they cut out processed foods. For some this is also accompanied by weight loss. Regarding my own weight loss, I have gained back some of the weight already. I am back up to 133.5 and believe that this weight is very near my fighting weight. I will probably gain another few pounds but I imagine my operating weight will be less than it was before I started the diet.

The following is some of the behaviors I have learned and incorporated into my diet. I have picked up the habit of drinking hot water with lemon in the mornings which is a great way to start the day. It is relaxing and the lemon helps the liver do it's job. Plus there is a good dose of Vitamin C in lemon which we all know is very good for the body and mind. I have also increased my consumption of leafy greens which numerous studies have shown to ward off several diseases including several types of cancer and Alzheimer's. Making fresh, healthy soups is also something I would like to continue to pursue. I have learned to relax more when I eat and enjoy each bite as much as possible which is better for digestion. And finally, I have learned about great juices that I plan to incorporate into my diet on a semi regular basis.

All in all, I thought the reboot diet was a good experiment and a good way to learn more about healthy eating. The website was very helpful with lots of information in addition to a healthy and knowledgeable community of people to help answer questions and offer words of encouragement. I can see myself doing a juice fast again but not for 5 days. I think that was too much for me. I can see doing a 2 day juice fast every now and then just to give my body a little rest and to help jump start things now and then. Then again, you never know.

Tomorrow we start back to our normal diet. Our normal diet will be just like the current diet except we can add a few things. We will start eating breads, pastas, fish, beans, and nuts again. And I am very much looking forward to my Lara Bars. I never did get a ruling on them-because I never asked. Lara Bars have no preservatives and are just made up of fruit with no added -well, anything. They are quite nutritious and delicious and satisfying.

Now that the reboot is over, my blog will probably shift focus a bit. My plan is to start blogging more about my training and how I am feeling as I gear up for race season. Today was a rest day-yard work does not count. One thing I need to do is come up with a training schedule. I find that if I don't have it on paper, it is harder to get motivated to do what I need to do. I will be working on that some more tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.


M Rosen said...

We did it! Yay! i knew we could get through this reboot. I am looking forward to salmon!

allenq said...

Congratulations!! You guys made it through the Reboot!
I can see where occasional 1-or-2-deay juice fasts would indeed sort of "reset" your system. Thanks for the detailed and informative blogging ofr the entire event. It has been very interesting.

Rachel Chieppa said...

Way to go!!! Great job sticking to it! Looking forward to your future training posts. By the way, Amy introduced Jeff to Larabars and he likes them! Good choice!