Sunday, January 9, 2011

Reboot Diet- Day 8

As I wind down for the day, I want to give a brief update on how the diet is going. Today was pretty good all things considered. We did have some juicer problems and we will have to get a part of it repaired. We think we can limp along OK for the last 2 days of juicing. Tomorrow morning we will have to get up extra early to ensure that we can make all the juice that we both need for the whole day. Monday will be the first day that we both are taking all of our daily juices to work with us. I am hoping that the snow that is coming is enough to close work on Tuesday so our last day of juicing can be a relaxing one at home. It is still too early to tell as this storm has been a hard one to track according to the experts I follow.

I did have visions of eating food today in the afternoon and was having a weak moment. Of course my support system came to my rescue. Melissa said that we could do it. With 2 more full days, I think we can. I am looking forward to all the yummy foods that we ate during our first 5 days of the diet. Lots of vegetables, fruit, and salad.

I am keeping it short tonight as today was pretty much uneventful regarding the diet. We did our normal juicing on a relaxed schedule and my energy levels were normal. Tune in tomorrow for an update. Thanks for reading.


M Rosen said...

Go Team Rosen!

Rachel Chieppa said...

Y'all are doing great!!! Stick with it. You can't give up now!!! We're so proud of you guys!!

And...great willpower at the party last night!

allenq said...

We read yesterday's post and this morning's post together this morning.
You guys did great at the party! Funny how even those salads look really good when all you get to eat is juices!
We can see how this reboot diet can both "clean you out" and reset your appetite expectations at the same time.
By the way, what is "planking"?
Hang in there! Just today and tomorrow with juices only, then 5 days of salad, and then (what I regard as) real food!!

Jim Rosen said...

Thanks Allen. If you go to and search on "plank position", you should see some pictures. They were doing the forearms on the ground version. It is like holding pushup position except your forearms are on the ground.