Saturday, February 20, 2010

Here Comes the Sun

All last week I had been looking forward to the weekend warm up. And 0n Saturday, when I woke up, I took advantage of the sunshine and got a long bike ride in outside. I rode from my house to downtown Richmond and did a loop around Belle Island and then rode back. It ended up being a 27 mile bike ride which was pretty good. My knees were a little sore but after some icing, I felt pretty good.

On Sunday I got in a long workout after an 8 mile mountain bike ride on the road. I did all my PT exercises plus all my upper body work. I have added a few additional exercises to try to build more muscle in my arms and chest. I don't see the gains in my upper body workouts that I see when I ride the bike or run but I know I am getting stronger although not readily noticeable.

On Monday, I had a rest day but also I emailed my PT to ask her for some recommendations on how I should progress with my training. She made some general suggestions. She also told me to up the my ankle weights to 10 pounds. So earlier tonight, I strapped two five pound ankle weights to one of my ankles and ran through all my exercises, first with one leg and then with the other. It was not as tough as I thought it would be. I did sweat a little more than usual and it was harder but not impossible. I was pretty pleased. I am starting to be able to see and feel some more muscle definition in my quads. Nothing compared to the speed skaters I have been watching on tv but I am getting stronger.

I do have a problem though. I don't have any short term goals to work towards. I have some long term goals including racing the Shenandoah 100, someday running an ultra, getting more fit in general, hiking Pike's Peak with Melissa, and maybe doing another triathlon someday. But these goals are either very general or way off in the future. I find that I need some more immediate or specific goals to keep me going.

One thing I am truly looking forward to is moving my workouts from inside to outside. My plan it to build a backyard playground that will allow me to do some natural exercises. I mentioned this idea in a previous blog and picked up on the idea. Carrying and throwing rocks, climbing trees, jumping from rock to rock, etc. These are all things I want to incorporate into my workouts. Alas it is still too nasty outside to get going on this. So I will have to concentrate and focus on my indoor workouts for now.

I still have a couple of great tools to help me keep in shape and vary my workouts. I have yet to really break into my BOSU training. I have yet to do many of the workouts included on the DVD. I have yet to even do part 2 of the ab workout. But I am close to being able to start doing more of the workouts on that DVD. And I have another DVD that came with my Kettlebell that I am looking forward to getting into. Plus I just watched a video of some neat things one can do with a medicine ball. Hopefully all these new things can give me some variety that will help keep me going. It has been a long winter of indoor training and while overall I have done well, I am getting antsy.

I am going to continue doing my PT at least 3 times a week with the added weight and a few extra exercises. Perhaps in 2 to 3 weeks, I will be able to start doing some of the other exercises. I hope so. For now, I have decided my homework for this week will be coming up with some short term goals and a training schedule. Perhaps I will be able to share those with you next time.

Thanks for reading. Did you get your heart rate up today?


allenq said...

I get my heart rate up moderately during our Senior’s exercise workouts and during my two-mile walk each day. I think those ankle weights will really strengthen your ankles if you stick with them for a couple of months!

As for the nice outside weather, hang on, it’s coming! Just a few weeks now!

Jim Rosen said...

That is great that you are walking every day. Now we are supposed to get 1 to 3 inches of snow tonight. ARG!