Saturday, January 8, 2011

Reboot Diet - Day 5 + 2 otherwise known as Day 7

Well we made it though another day of this second phase of our diet. We did another full day of just juices and no solid foods. The day started out early with an early morning orange juice with lemon before heading to the pool for our normal Saturday morning 7Am workout. The juice really woke me up and I was raring to go. There was some unexpected snow and ice accumulation on the car so we ended up about 10 minutes late to the gym. But we had a great workout. I felt strong and relaxed in the pool. I did a 350 meter warm up without stopping which was the most I have ever done without stopping. My first planned triathlon is not until April so I still have plenty of time to improve my stroke.

After the swim we went home and took a short nap before making our second juice of the day. We did a green juice (green chard, spinach, arugula, Kale, 4 red apples, 2 green apples, two pears, lemon, and ginger). We took this juice to go as we had some shopping to do. We both needed new swimsuits. We also needed more fruits and veggys of course. And then we went and toured the Jewish Community Center. We are going to join so we can use the pool and do yoga classes, cycling classes, and other fitness classes.

We did another couple of smaller afternoon juices that were quite tasty. One was cucumber and pineapple which has a mild and pleasant taste. The other was beats, carrots, and ginger. Surprisingly, you can get a lot of juice out of a beat and the recipe was a great one. I can see juicing beats on a regular basis once we are off the diet.

We still had one more juice to make up for the day but we had to take it with us. We went to a party that our swimming coach was throwing. All of the athletes on her team were there. There was lots of food and drink but we stuck with our green juice. Only two people asked about it. They were the hosts of the party. And they both had the exact same reaction. They both happened to say the same thing, "Well, have fun with that."

We stayed out of the food area. Most of it was nothing I would eat anyway but had we stayed in the room, I may have started to hear the shrimp, chips, cookies, dips, and whatnot mocking me and my juice. All in all we had fun and met a few people and got invited to the weekly track workouts. I met a guy who has done 6 Ironmans who was fun to talk to about racing and training.

At most parties where there are lots of youngish people (late 20s up to early 40s) and an abundance of alcohol, there is inevitably a time in the evening where someone challenges someone else to some game, feat, or other kind of test of one's muster. While I did not get to witness it, apparently there was a "plank off" between our coach and some of her athletes. Only at a party of triathletes would something like this happen. The guy who won, held plank for 5 minutes.
As I complete my evening sitting here writing, I have a very slight hunger plus my stomach muscles are a little sore from a quick Ab Ripper X I did before the party. Plus I did plank when I got home to see if I could have contended with the guys at the party. I think I could have.
I must say I am looking forward to next Wednesday when I can eat a banana. That is all for now. Thanks for reading.

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