Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Reboot Diet -Day 11 - Time to Bring IT!

As most of you know, today was the day we started the last phase of our 15 day diet. Today we got to eat! It was an interesting day. It started out for me with a 5AM wake-up for swim practice. I had my hot water and lemon which is a new habit I picked up from this diet. And then I broke in a banana. It was so early in the morning that I really did not get to dwell on it's texture and taste. I almost think it would have been better to not be rushed but I had to fuel up for swim practice. I had an apple on the way to the gym and that was fun to eat. I have learned that I really like things that crunch. I used to get my crunching from chips and that was pretty much one of my last vices. I am not saying I will never have another chip but am definitely going to cut way down. Even though I always made sure to get the ones with just oil, potatoes, and salt, I know that they are less than healthy.

Swim practice was tough. Lots of kick drills and swimming with fists instead of open hands. And breathe away. That one is always a killer. Overall though I had a great practice. I feel like I am coming along with the swimming and our coach is really great.

Since our schools were opening two hours late due to the inclement weather, I had the rare opportunity to relax after swim practice. I laid down for about 20 minutes and then had time to make a big green juice and enjoy it leisurely while surfing the innerwebs. That was certainly a treat.

At work I had more fruit in the morning and then the whole crew went out to lunch for a co worker's birthday. We went to an Italian restaurant where I ordered the big salad. I snuck in my own healthy dressing. Overall the salad was a big disappointment. I ate it all and it filled me up but it was really not that good and it did not sit with me very well. In fact, I may have eaten it too fast. Again, I did not have time to savor each bite because I was out with a big group of people. The salad sat in my stomach like a big ball of yucky goo all the way to dinner.

After work I did a P90X workout which took about an hour and 10 minutes. I felt pretty good through most of the workout but started to peter out towards the end. The salad was still bothering me a bit and I considered skipping Ab Ripper X but then again, I was lying there on the floor after doing my last set up push-ups and decided I might as well do it.

Dinner was all vegetables and was very tasty. However, I think I ate too fast. I am going to try to concentrate on slowing down and trying to savor each bite. I won't always be able to do it but I can strive for better eating habits. It is best to eat slowly and make sure to thoroughly chew. I think I felt so good though that I was talking too much. We all tend to talk to each other during meals. I think mostly that is because that is the one time when we all come together and sit and face each other. However, it is probably not best for proper eating to talk while we eat. Again, I am going to try to be more mindful of this. Lately I have really enjoyed our post dinner talks at the dinner table where we sit and talk and talk and talk. It is a great way to digest-sitting and talking to Melissa.

So overall I would say my first day of eating was a little disappointing because my lunch was a bust. However, I do have leftovers from tonight to enjoy tomorrow so that is a big plus. Also I have more energy than I had during the juicing phase of the diet. I had plenty of energy when we were juicing but not as much as I usually have. After all today I did a double (morning and evening workout-both pretty strenuous), worked 8 hours, prepared dinner, did the chores, and am still up writing. Not too shabby. Of course that is how I roll. I like to Bring IT!


M Rosen said...

hey, I helped prepare dinner! Remember, I did the hard part! :)

allenq said...

It's just slightly surprising to hear that even something as light as a salad could sit heavy on your stomach, but, considering how basically starved out you were, I suppose that can happen.
You certainly learn a thing or two about your physiology and feelings when you go on any kind of a fast or near-fast!

Jim Rosen said...

Of course M. Rosen. Everything I do, I do standing on your shoulders.