Thursday, January 1, 2015

Reflections on 2014

The celebrations and parties are over and many best wishes for the new year have been wished upon friends and family. Blogs have been written, Facebook and twitter updates have been posted. And now, I would like to add to the digital record. There is much to be said but I have challenged myself to be as brief as possible. So here goes my wrap-up of 2014 and my thoughts on the upcoming year.

A lot happened in my neck of the woods this year. Of course a lot happened to everyone all over the world. While I reflect on all these things, I have to remember how lucky I am despite the challenges I faced. Not once did I have to worry about my next meal. Not once did I wonder where I would be sleeping. Not once did I have to flee my home because of war and barbarism. Not once did I not feel loved and appreciated. There are millions in the world who are not so lucky. 2014 had challenges but in comparison to many, they were really not that big a deal even if they seemed to affect me greatly.

In 2014 I quit my job and started a new one. Also, Melissa and I decided we were tired of dealing with a big house and big yard and devised a plan to downsize. That meant cleaning up our big house and putting it on the market and finding a new place to live. Once we made that decision, we moved like lightning to execute our plan. With the help of our excellent Realtor, and because of Melissa's keen mind and sensibilities, and a great deal of elbow grease from our most generous friends,  we were able to move out of our big house and into an 8th floor condo in the city of Richmond rather quickly. And we love it!

Also in 2014, my dear old dad passed away. I have written a few times in this blog about my dad. I miss him a great deal. But I have missed him for several years. Dementia took my dad away from me little by little through the years. As his disease progressed, and he could no longer do all those things he loved to do, my sadness grew. Fortunately, my dad never got violent or went missing. He was gentle as always. But in the end, he could no longer do the things he used to be able to do including eat. Truly he was a skeleton when he finally gave up his last breath. And were it not for morphine, his pain would have been hard to bear. Like I said, I miss my dad and there are many things that remind me of him and make me smile or cry. When this happens, I let the emotions wash over me and let the sadness fill me. Thankfully, I have many pictures of him that help me remember his greatness and make me smile.  Here are just a few. Big shout out to my brother Erik for going through all the old photos and scanning them. It's a big job that everyone always talks about doing but Erik gets things done.

So in 2014 I got a new triathlon coach, started a new job, bought and sold a house, lost a close loved one, and completed several 5ks, a 10K,  a 15K, and 7 triathlons including Ironman Chattanooga which I finished in 11:45. Not bad at all. Busy, stressful but successful. Thankfully, I have Melissa as my number one supporter. I could not have gone through all of these events without her by my side, offering advice, always encouraging, always supporting, always chipping in to help, always available for hugs. Sharing all of the difficulties, stresses, and accomplishments with her is really a blessing. I am one of the luckiest people I know when you think about it. Thank you Melissa for always being there for me and with me as we make our way through our lives together.

What is in store for 2015? So far, I have decided on the events listed below. Likely there will be a few more running events thrown in for good measure. My goals are to get faster, PR or course, and come closer to the podium. Also, I am hoping to step up into the world of time trial bikes which will assist me with these goals. I started out the new year with a 5K time trial on the track and set a new PR of 19:11. Thanks to my coach Dave Luscan and thanks to the  Dalton team for their pacing and encouragement.

I have a few non-triathlon/fitness goals too. While my diet is pretty decent, I would like to improve it. More homemade juices, more vegetables, less toxins.  I think this year I would like to increase my charitable giving as well as my own investments. My dad did so much for the less fortunate. I would like to model some of that behavior.

2015 Events

April 11th-Crossover Ministries 15K
April 18th-Smithfield Sprint Triathlon
April 25th-RTC Sprint Triathlon
May 31st-Raleigh 70.3
June 27th-Blood Sweat and Gears Century
July 18th-Snake Bite Century
October 11th-Ironman Louisville

Happy New Year Bitches!

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