Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dreary Sunday

Today was a dreary Sunday with rain threatening all day. Melissa is still recovering from her oral surgery so we did not end up going to church. Her jaw still hurts quite a bit and she still has to take pain medicine to manage the pain.

After a lazy morning, I ate some breakfast and did some errands to get some things Melissa needed. After that I was ready for my workout.

I had planned to not ride the bike at all today but my knees felt pretty good and I wanted to get some cardio in. So I did my half hour on the bike while watching the Milan Derby (AC Milan vs Inter Milan). I upped my intervals from 90 seconds to 2 minutes. It was pretty easy going compared to my actual road ride that I did yesterday. I was able to work up quite a sweat. I really don't feel like I am getting a workout unless I am sweating. I am not sure why.

After my ride, I did all my upper body exercises and then onto the BOSU trainer for my ab workout. I had wanted to do some more ab work-some plank position to be more specific but I still needed to do my PT exercises. So I moved on to my straight leg lifts and all the other exercises I have to do to strengthen my knee joints. I managed to get it all done in about 2 hours which was pretty good considering all the exercises that I did.

After a long workout where I am pushing my muscles, it is always important to feed the muscles as soon as the workout is over. To accomplish that, I made a smoothie with non fat organic milk, frozen strawberries, a banana, a couple of scoops of organic whey protein powder and 2 table spoons of chia seeds. Yummy! And of course no workout is complete without ice on the knees while sitting on the couch.

I was thinking about my workouts today and realized that if I want to do all these things, I may have to break up my workout into several sessions during the day. I have not gotten up early to exercise before work since the summer of 2007 when I was training for the Richmond marathon. I have found it more difficult these days to get up early. I would like to change this behavior and start getting up earlier. I think the key is getting to bed at a reasonable hour. And that means less TV watching and trying to wind down earlier. If I can get in the habit, I think I can do it. But those first few times are always the most difficult.

So we'll see.


allenq said...

An interesting commentary on the activities of a “dreary Sunday”. I enjoy the detail, both about the exercise workout (which was considerably more substantial than I would have guessed you could do at this time) and about the smoothie. When you look back at this in ten years or so, it might surprise you how accurately it provides a window into your life during these years.

We hope Missy can be feeling better soon!

Jim Rosen said...

Thanks Allen. Did you see the previous posting? It was long and showed my BOSU. Not sure if you saw that one.